Friday, July 31, 2015

No Littering Campaign Graphic Design and Society


Litter is on my mind. In the west it is as though people within cities have a pact with each other to throw away their trash. They don't unwarp something and just throw it is the street. In the city in which I now live that is not the case. People will be standing beside a trash can and still throw their wrappers and other items on the ground. It makes the city seem dirty and unhealthy. It makes me question, does this lack of carrying translate into not carrying about others things, like life in general? I don't have an answer to that question but I do know there needs to be a campaign teaching people that clean=healthy, healthy=vibrant. I am in the midst of designing a poster and in taking a look at what is out there I found some that I think are graphically engaging. But what works with people? That is the question. As a kid I saw the Indian with the tear in his eye telling us not to litter and took that to heart.

Each time I go back to the West, I see what a difference it makes when the city is clean. It lifts ones mood and makes it feel as if things are being taken care of, not by the government but by each citizen in the city. Not littering is a priority for the town, it is a pact between the people who wish to live in a clean space. It is rare to see people littering in the towns in which I have been. I don't think anyone even has to say. "Don't Litter" anymore, it is simply a given.

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